The Wayne Township Education Foundation Traditional Grants fund resources and programs up to $4,000. The traditional application cycle runs an average of 4 months from initial application to funds availability. The grant-writing process is a two-part process and any M.S.D. of Wayne Township employee may apply. Step 1 involves the writing of a preliminary proposal letter, completion of the application form, and inclusion of supporting documentation as available. Only those applicants who succeed in the preliminary proposal phase will be asked to submit a Final Application for Funding.
Funding Levels
- Up to $1,000 single
- Up to $3,000 Teams/Grade Level Applicants
- Up to $4,000 School-wide Programs
Preliminary Applications Due Dates
- September 1
- February 1
- May 1
Grant Focus Areas
Grants written by MSD Wayne staff to the Wayne Township Education Foundation should be reflective of the Foundation’s stated mission. To assure that requests accomplish this goal, the following four Focus Areas have been established:
- Encourage Student Achievement (Academic, Arts or Vocational as they support the classroom curriculum.)
- Encourage Lifelong Learning Opportunities (Community Service, Citizenship, Human Relations, Parental Training/Involvement/Support.)
- Support of Professional Development (Training or support material specifically designed to engage students in classroom learning. This does not include professional development for an individual staff member’s personal professional development or for academic or continuing education credits.)
- Honor Staff and Students
Mission: The Wayne Township Education Foundation is a community catalyst to enrich, engage, and stimulate student learning by supporting school programs and recognizing excellence throughout the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township.
WTEF Grant Application
Grant Writing Workshop Slides and Worksheets